MAESHA gathers two universities (TU Berlin, Association Léonard de Vinci), ten SMEs (Trialog, E3-Modelling, Cybergrid, Tecsol, Creara, Bovlabs, Hive Power, Hudara, Greening The Islands, Euroquality), three industrial partners (Cobra, Centrica, Electricité de Mayotte), and six public organisations (Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, Collectivité de St Barthélémy, Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands, Comune di Favignana, Gozo business chamber association, Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions)

Technische Universität Berlin
Type of organisation: University
Technische Universität Berlin is an active participant in Berlin, an international metropolis and outstanding centre of science. In the heart of the German capital, ideas for the future are being developed. The University places significant importance on developing science and technology for the benefit of society.
To this end, the university conducts interconnected research at the highest international level into fundamental principles and their applications. Using its entire breadth of subjects, Technische Universität Berlin is establishing innovative fields and promotes inter-faculty research activities with external key players.
Read more about TU Berlin, click here.

Type of organisation: Industrial infrastructures
Global leader with more than 70 years of experience in all fields related to the engineering, installation and industrial maintenance of infrastructures.
Read more about Cobra, click here.

Centrica Business Solutions
Type of organisation: : Large industry
Centrica is an international energy services and solutions company, everything we do is focused on satisfying the changing needs of our customers in an evolving energy market. By acquiring the leading aggregator REstore, Centrica Business Solutions is one of the leading companies in virtual power plant and demand response technology.
Read more about Centrica Business Solutions, click here .

Type of organisation: SME
Trialog is an expertise and consulting company which provides expertise in innovation for system specification, system validation, interoperability, internet of things, cyber-security and privacy by design, in embedded and industrial systems.
Our work mainly focus on three domains: Energy (Smart metering, Smart Grids), Transports (e-Mobility, Intelligent Transportation System), and Social & Health (Active Ageing Living).
In all these domains, Trialog mainly provides expertise on telecom, standards, interoperability, resilience, privacy, security, system design, validation and operation.
Trialog is also active at international level on the standardisation of Smart Energy systems, Internet of Things, Trustworthiness and Digital Twin. Trialog is also chairing the Data Management WG of the BRIDGE initiative, gathering all the Horizon 2020 EU-funded smart grid projects.
Read more about Trialog, click here.

Type of organisation: Research organisation
E3-Modelling is a knowledge-intensive company that specialises on large-scale empirical modelling of the economy-energy-environment nexus. The company owns and operates PRIMES and GEM-E3, two renowned modelling tools used extensively in the preparation of major impact assessment studies underpinning key EU policies, including the 2050 Long-Term Strategy and the Green Deal. Moreover, the company operates PROMETHEUS, which models the world energy system, projecting fossil fuel prices and CO2 emissions and simulating emission reduction pathways.
For the past 30 years, E3-Modelling has been delivering cutting-edge research and hands-on consulting services to governments, the private sector and international organisations on the design and impact analysis of transition pathways towards low- and net-zero emissions in the fields of energy, climate and transport. Furthermore, the company is at the forefront of macro-economic research, modelling economic growth, sectorial growth and employment at European and global levels.
Read more about E3-Modelling, click here.

cyberGRID GmbH & Co KG SME
cyberGRID GmbH & Co KG is a cleantech software company founded in Vienna, Austria in 2010. It specializes in the development of Flexibility Management Solutions.
cyberGRID’s digital platform is a modular and scalable ICT system that pools flexible resources such as renewable energy assets and storage into Flexibility Management Platform and exploits the flexible capacity for different markets, helps to solve imbalances, and addresses grid stability issues.
This award-winning and proprietary technology collects measurement data, calculates baselines for forecasting, and aggregates loads. Other functionalities include bidding, merit order, and support daily trading operations.
Read more about cyberGRID, click here.

Founded in 1982, TECSOL is a French engineering company, specialized in digital and solar energy. The company is based in Perpignan, with offices in the main towns of the French mainland and an office in La Réunion island. Branch-companies are based in the French island of Caribbean’s: Guadeloupe, Martinique.
Dealing with private as well as public project owners, Tecsol can offer technical, economic and juridical consultancy and support at any stage from feasibility to commissioning of photovoltaic and thermal projects. Tecsol also proposes a telemonitoring solution based on strong algorithms. Tecsol has been involved in a large number of French and European innovation and research projects (DIGISOL, EKATE, MOBELSOL). Due to its implication in numerous PV projects in France, TECSOL is constantly dealing with legal and administrative issues to develop them.
Thanks to its presence in La Reunion and Antillas, TECSOL has a strong experience in photovoltaics applied to the features of island markets.
Read more about TECSOL, click here.

Type of organisation: SME
Creara, founded in 2005, offers specialised consulting and engineering services in Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy and Smart Cities & Grids. Creara is based in Madrid, Spain, and has completed assignments on a global scale.
Creara’s consulting department supports public and private clients in regulatory and policy matters. Its main activities are analyses of the market and policy frameworks, identification of market drivers and barriers, cost-benefit analysis of regulatory and normative programs, benchmarking of international best practices and energy planning.
Creara’s engineering department enables final consumers to increase their energy efficiency and reduce their energy bills through energy audits, smart energy monitoring, installation of RES generation systems and electric vehicle charging facilities, providing tailor-made solutions for the optimization of energy consumption through ESCO projects and other financing solutions.
Read more about Creara, click here.

Bovlabs SAS
Type of organisation: SME
Bovlabs was founded in California, USA in 2017 and subsequently had an associate company registered in Aix-En-Provence, France in 2018. Our software is used to manage and control Electric vehicle (EV) chargers with the goal to maximize their utility for operators and Electric vehicle owners.
Our cloud-based back-office system uses standard protocol like OCPP 1.6/2.0 to communicates with any charging infrastructure and integrates with e-mobility service providers. Our mobile application could be used by EV owners for authorization to charge network, get real-time information on the state of charge, cost of charging and incentives on their behavior, etc. We utilize a private/consortium Blockchain to handle the transactions and machine learning (“AI”) to continually optimize processes
Currently, we are operating mostly in Europe/ Southern France where we recently deployed an innovative system for SNCF G&C in collaboration with our partners Nissan, Accenture, the Camp & VINCI Energies that specifically includes vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities. The results are more cost-effective, highly optimized, thus even “greener” and more attractive EV charging services.
Read more about Bovlabs here.

Type of organisation: SME
Founded in 2017 in Switzerland, Hive Power is a leading provider of innovative solutions for smart grids. We are a team of researchers and scientists with deep expertise in smart grids, data science, and optimisation. We share a long experience in research and pilot projects on decentralised energy management.
We believe that our distribution grids and smart energy suppliers will manage the flexible assets, such as EVs, and energy communities with novel business models, supported by smart algorithms.
We are implementing innovative techniques and business models to reach the customer-centric energy future – Decarbonisation, Digitalisation, Decentralisation, and Democratisation.
Read more about HIVE POWER, click here.

Type of organisation: NGO
Hudara is an impartial organization that supports communities in reaching a sustainable and peaceful way of functioning through mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), social cohesion (SC) and adaptation to climate change (ACC).
Our work feeds into the achievement of the sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations. They aim to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice and tackle climate change by 2030.
Our projects include different locations like Bangladesh, where we join forces with communities to preserve natural mangrove forests. In Jordan, primary health care workers are trained to strengthen their role to identify and to support survivors of gender-based violence. In Iraq, forcibly displaced children receive psychosocial support through a series of creative workshops and community events, In Mayotte, we are working together with locals to transition to renewable energies that are owned and accepted by all community stakeholders, and that also paves the way for a more sustainable and clean energy future putting away the community high dependency on imported fossil fuels.
Read more about Hudara, click here.

Type of organisation: Semi-public company
Électricité de Mayotte (EDM) is a semi-public company established in 1972. It is the Mayotte Island electric utility, largely owned by Department Council of Mayotte. The company’s operations include electricity generation, transport, distribution and marketing on the territory of Mayotte.
For several years, EDM has been one of the major actors in the energy transition in Mayotte. The main ambition of EDM, for the next years, is to make its energy mix greener.
Read more about EDM, click here.

De Vinci Research Centre – DVRC was created in 2015. It unites all the research elements of the pole Léonard de Vinci Schools: EMLV Business School and ESILV Graduate School of Engineering. De Vinci Research Center aims to develop quality research that is recognised in the national and international academic communities, to develop partnership research recognised by the economic and industrial community, to disseminate a research culture in ESILV and EMLV courses, to foster synergies between the schools specialisations and the DVRC’s expertise and to promote interdisciplinarity between engineering and management sciences. The different disciplines covered are applied mathematics, mechanics, engineering, administration, finance, big data and digital technologies which are developed within four research groups: Business, Digital, Finance and Modeling.
Read more about DVRC, click here.

The Territory of Wallis and Futuna intends to strengthen the implementation of its sustainable development policy, which is broken down into several sectoral strategies in favour of the ecological and solidarity-based transition. It thus has a department for the coordination of public development policies (SCOPPD) in charge of promoting development and regional cooperation. It also has the Territorial Environment Service (STE) in charge of the operational implementation of the territorial policy of biodiversity preservation, water, energy and waste management.
For the Territory, the SCOPPD and the STE respectively ensure the role of coordinator and technical animator in the implementation of the MAESHA project in Wallis and Futuna.

Collectivité of Saint-Barthélemy
The Collectivité of Saint Barthélemy, established by the organic law of February 21, 2007, and governed by article 74 of the French Constitution, is administered freely by its elected officials under the conditions provided for in the General Code of Territorial Collectivities.
Its administration is realized through the functioning of the deliberative bodies of the Collectivité, i.e., the territorial council and the executive council: a method of governance that requires regular meetings to ensure monitoring of our island’s issues.
The new government of Saint Barthélemy consists of a territorial assembly of 19 members elected for 5 years by direct vote with universal suffrage.
The first territorial council was established on July 15, 2007.
The Collectivité is currently working on designing its energy transition mid & long-term strategy. As a partner in the Maesha project, the Collectivité follows the initiative of Mayotte in order to learn and adapt the model on its territory in a near future.
Read more about Collectivité of Saint-Barthélemy, click here.

Type of organisation: Public Research Scientific Infrastructure
The Oceanic Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN) is a joint initiative between the Spanish and the Canary Islands governments, with the support of the European Regional Development Fund. It is a multipurpose service centre with land-based and sea-based novel infrastructures to support research, technology development and innovation in the marine and maritime sectors. Its mission is to promote long-term observation and sustainability of the ocean, providing a cost-effective combination of services, such as an observatory, a test site, a base for underwater vehicles, training and an innovation hub.
PLOCAN contributes to industrial development, to accelerate the growth of the blue economy but also to explore and demonstrate new niche markets in EU-peripheral regions, supporting pilot projects and initiatives. PLOCAN is committed to the valorisation of knowledge and technology, and to promoting innovation to create new jobs and provide value for overall social and economic development. PLOCAN contributes to promoting national and international frames to support the testing of innovative prototypes, from new sensors and underwater vehicles, to energy converters to harness offshore renewable energies.
Read more about PLOCAN, click here.

Gozo Business Chamber
Type of organisation: Non Governmental Organisation
The Gozo Business Chamber was founded by a public deed on the 20th December 1999, to promote the common interests of business operators in Gozo.
The main functions of The Gozo Business Chamber include the:
- Safeguarding and promotion of the common interests of the members of the Chamber
- Addressing issues particularly those associated with the regionality and insularity of Gozo, which can hinder the smooth running of business concerns
- Promotion of commercial opportunities
- Fostering and enhancing cooperation among members of the Chamber
- Acting as a mediator between our members and the authorities to find common solutions
- Representing members during discussions with regional, national and international organisations and authorities
- Educating its members through information seminars and training organized by the same Chamber and by collaborating with Ministries, regulatory authorities and educational institutions
Membership of the Gozo Business Chamber is open to anyone who operates a business in Gozo or from Gozo.
Read more about Gozo, click here.

Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR)
Type of organisation: organisation of regional authorities
The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR) represents more than 150 regional authorities from 24 countries across Europe and beyond. Organised in geographical commissions, it works to ensure that a balanced territorial development is at the heart of the European Union and its policies.
The CPMR produces policy positions and analysis based on input from its member regions on core areas of work: cohesion, transport, maritime, climate & energy and migration. The CPMR is also involved in around 20 EU projects.
The Islands Commission is one of the six geographical commissions of the CPMR, gathering 19 European regional insular authorities from 5 sea basins. More than expertise on island issues, the IC works for European institutions to pay special attention to the islands as per Art. 174 TFUE. It also aims at fostering interregional cooperation between islands on priority areas such as energy transition, circular economy, blue growth, transport & accessibility and sustainable tourism.
For more information on the Islands Commission and its activities click here.

Greening the Islands
Type of organisation: SME
Greening the Islands established in 2014 is an innovative organization that supports self-sufficiency and sustainability of islands worldwide making them a model for circular economies in harmony with the nature.
We match needs and solutions enabling cooperation between local authorities, business, citizens and academia.
Read more about Greening the Islands, click here.

Type of organisation: SME
Established in 1997, Euroquality is a service provider specialised in innovation consulting. Its main activities are European projects setting up under several programmes (Horizon Europe – formerly Horizon 2020, LIFE, Erasmus+, EIC, ERC), economic studies, policy evaluation, technological and technical studies, development of communication material, training, and management of national and European projects.
For 20 years, Euroquality has been able to adapt to the different technological mutations and always be at the top of innovation consulting, with a staff made of doctors and engineers advising international clients on the development of their innovations.
Read more about Euroquality, click here.

Regional Council of La Réunion
Type of organisation: Regional Authority
The Regional council is the deliberative assembly of the French overseas region of La Reunion, where more than 870 000 people are living. One of its competences is to translate the national energy policy on the territory, while integrating local specificities and favorising the economic development of fields related to the energy. The Regional Council is supported by the public local company Energies Réunion for the development of local policies and strategic projects contributing to energy transition. It is responsible for the design and implementation of the “Pluriannual Energy Planification” and manages the regional energy governance.
Read more about Region Réunion, click here.

Energies Réunion
Energies Reunion is the regional energy and climate agency of the island, working closely with local authorities to develop their energy strategies and to implement concrete actions to promote the energy transition, manage energy demand and fight energy poverty. To achieve this, the focus is set on 4 main areas: i) Supporting local authorities: a commitment to sustainable, eco-responsible building assets; ii) Making the most of natural resources to produce respectful and sustainable energy; iii) Observation and strategy: an approach based on analysis and knowledge; iv) Helping people reduce their energy consumption.
Énergies Réunion is pursuing the ambition of energy autonomy for La Réunion, thanks to its status as an expert and key stakeholder in the territorial development of renewable energies, energy sobriety and sustainable mobility.
Read more about Energies Reunion, click here.

AREAM – Agência Regional da Energia e Ambiente da Região Autónoma da Madeira
Type of organisation: Non-profit Association
With more than 30 years of experience, AREAM is a private non-profit association, recognised as a public utility, based in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, Portugal, an outermost region of the EU. AREAM’s main objectives are to promote energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy resources and environmental protection, by supporting local and regional authorities, energy suppliers and end users, as well as developing research activities, studies and projects in these areas.
To achieve its objectives, AREAM assists in the elaboration and implementation of regional energy and environmental policies, as well as assisting economic operators in promoting the use of efficient technologies compatible with sustainable development. AREAM studies, promotes and disseminates measures and technologies suitable for the implementation of energy and environmental policies, mainly with a view to reducing energy dependence from abroad and protecting the environment. AREAM also carries out projects on energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, innovation and interregional cooperation, especially with other islands and outermost regions.
Read more about AREAM, click here.